Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Comparison between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers Essays

Comparison between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers Essays Comparison between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers Paper Comparison between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers Paper The two articles are both about youth culture committing crimes, which are shown in statistics, pictures, text, bullet points and headlines. They give information on the crimes being committed (e. g. how many percent carry knifes). One article comes from The Guardian (broadsheet) and The Mirror (tabloid) The broadsheet shows an impartial view of the story, and gives an honest opinion and it shown is long columns, bullet points and statistics and the bullet points have a description, unlike the tabloid. The tabloid trys to shock us, it trys to convince us that the youth cultures are thugs. They attack the readers, and all that is shown in pictures, articles, columns and statistics. The Mirror uses a large picture trying to really traumatize us; the picture is of a young teenager holding a significantly large knife, the image is used to frighten us. The Mirror has many statistics without really explaining them. The tabloid presents its articles with headlines, subheadings, by-line, images and really have an explanation, The Guardian presents it articles with long headlines, subtitles, by-line, statistics, long columns and the stats are followed by an explanation, which is really easy to understand. The Guardian and The Mirror have big differences, e. g. tabloids have more news about celebrities and gossip, and the broadsheet is about more considerable subjects such as politics and business. Both newspapers have a dissimilar effect, the tabloid trys to shock us, convince us that teenagers are thugs. They pounce on the readers and the broadsheet show a balanced view, tells us that its not that horrific. The tabloid uses a lot of space up on pictures and statistics, which arent explained well. The statistics are shown as large numbers with a little brief explanation: 4% of boys aged 15 to 16 have tried cocaine. But the broadsheet an actual explanation: among 15and 16 year olds, 25% of girls and 30% of boys said they have tried cannabis at least once. As you can see the broadsheet uses a longer, understanding description. The writers opinion of teenagers in the tabloid is prejudiced, but the writer of broadsheet article is balanced and believes that its not that bad, and its says for example things like out of 100 only 4 have sampled cocaine The writer of the tabloid article interviews Barry Anderson and says that he calls them the thugs breed the writer doesnt interview the teenagers to see other side of the story. The broadsheet interviews both adults and teenagers to hear each side, the adults have done confidential interviews with the teenagers, the interviewer also made up a phony drug to catch out liars. The tabloid doesnt interview the so-called thugs to hear their side, so we only hear the writers opinion, so its influences us to believe that teenagers are thugs. The broadsheet uses long complete words which shows that journalists are actually well knowledgeable and do investigate, unlike the tabloid which uses a couple of slang words. Both articles use interviews though in The Guardian the interview is with Barry Anderson who is chief executive of the communities that care, and The Mirror also interviews Barry Anderson. In the tabloid they do not quote him as much, they write that the refers to the teenagers as the thugs breed, the difference in the tabloid splits Barry Anderson quotes all over the article, but the broadsheet puts the whole quote together, dissimilar to the tabloid that use the quotes to validate their point. Even though both articles are about the same subject, they are written in different ways The Guardian uses complex, multi-syllable words such as confidential, criminality, offending, dominantly assumption, representative ect. The tabloid uses, more slang and emotional words such as bring drinking, thugs, and Cinderella. The Mirror uses shorter sentences, which are easier to read, the text is for more ordinary people, unlike the broadsheet which is for more sophisticated/professional people e. g. teachers, doctors, business men ect. ), Because they use more complex text and longer sentences. The broadsheet says, The author stressed that most young people were law abiding most of the time and that would not be placed in The Mirror because they are saying that teenagers are law abiding which is the opposite of what The Mirror believes. The sentences in the two newspapers are different because they are both aimed at different people. The Mirror is for most, ordinary people The Guardian is for more educated/ professional people, The Guardians article uses longer sentences because its contains more information. I personally favour The Guardian because it gives a fair view and gives out more information and gives an easier quote that isnt scattered throughout the article. They give explanations, The Guardian believes that the problem isnt bad, they believe its not a lot they say its bad, but not much. The Mirror says that its appalling, and that the figures are too high. The Mirror is more negative and believes that teenagers are the thugs breed. Unlike the broadsheet which sympathys for the teenagers and believes that most teenagers are law abiding. I believe that the statistics are not that bad, for example only 4 out of every 100 have tried cocaine, but the tabloid disagrees. All in all its bad but not as bad as the tabloid makes it to be.

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